Electroretinography System for Veterinarians and Larger Animals

- A Compact Flash Memory card provides program for all procedures needed and for collection of data, making the program easily up-gradable.
- Flash memory card or USB port may be used for quick transmission of single or multiple recording to PC computer for further analysis, printing and publication.
- Mini Ganzfeld flash photo-stimulator with white LED's.
- Color LCD screen for immediate visualization of actual and averaged recordings and ERG data, as well as those for previous tests.
- Flexibility: Manual or Automatic recordings of ERGs, including recommended by the ISCEV, as well as creating of personal protocols.
- Baseline check and impedance test of electrodes included.
- Two recording channels available.
- Rechargeable batter for more than 10 hours operation.
- May be used as handheld or can be mounted onto a table stand or tripod.
- Filter-holder for the stimulator is available for adding neutral density and colored filters.
Veterinary Ophthalmology
The HMsERG is a Full field Flash ERG is used regularly to screen animal patients prior to cataract surgery. The benefit to the patient is determining the functional health of the retina before the cataract procedure, thus avoiding a costly bill to the owner and no visual benefit to the patient. ERG is a definitive and "quantifiable" measure of the patient's health and should be a standard of practice prior to surgery. The information from an ERG exam needs to minimally include an image of the retina waveforms in order to determine "rod" photoreceptor function in a dark adapted state, and the summed functionality of both the rod and cone photoreceptors.
If the patient is suspected of having Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), special attention must be paid to patients who also develop spontaneous cataracts. These PRA patients are losing or have lost their vision. The owner must be aware of the state of retinal health in order to make the best decision about their pets cataract surgery. In these cases, a more thorough examination under anesthesia is suggested. This level of examination should minimally include the rod photoreceptor dark adaptation capability, the rods and cones summed functionality, and the cone photoreceptors.
For more information, go to Publications and find diagnostic procedures in the "Companion Animals" articles.
The HMsERG is advancing the science of electrophysiology of vision with user-friendly diagnostic instruments designed for researchers.
If you are interested in learning more about electrophysiology of vision, we strongly suggest you visit the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision.
The HMsERG Vet System is Used World-Wide to Aid in Ophthalmic Research:
The HMsERG VET System
Electroretinography Devices and Supplies | Veterinarians & large Animal Clinics | Researchers & Small Animal Studies |
Hand-held Multi-species Electroretinography [HMsERG] | Yes | Yes |
Stainless Steel Subdermal Needle Electrodes | Yes | Yes |
ERG-Jet Contact Lens Electrode (pair) | Yes | Yes |
Mini Contact Lens | Yes | Yes |
Rodent Contact Lens with Silver-Embedded Thread Electrodes | Yes | Yes |
Goniovisc (Methylcellulose) | Yes | Yes |
Dual Photo-Stimulator Option | Yes | Yes |
Neutral Density Conical Filter 3 for the HMsERG | Yes | Yes |
3 Red LED Headlamps for Dark Adaptive Lighting | Yes | Yes |
Please Contact Us With Any Questions, or to request a Quote:
- Phone: (866) 250-3937
- Email: