iVivo® Funduscope for Small Animals
A Versatile Tool to Meet the Requirements of Your Laboratory

(Mouse Fundus Images)

(Rat Fundus Images)
The iVivo® Funduscope for small animals is designed to be customized for your studies now and into the future. Versatility makes our system customizable and valuable. Our base imaging system gives you bright field and fluorescein angiography capabilities. A wide variety of autofluorescence, and advance imaging modalities such as Near Infrared can be added when you need it, maximizing your investment in science. In eye research, having a superior and easy to use system should not have to be expensive.

Features & Benefits
- Base System comes with Sony Super CMOS 5MP Low Light Fluorescence Camera: High resolution with great image acquisition and post-processing make this camera excellent for research. Compatible with PC, nod included.
- 4.2mm Funduscope with integrated fiber optic light source make small animal ophthalmic imaging simple: Being able to access the mouse pupil with our media coupled, gradient-index scope make getting fundus images as easy as possible.
- Turn key solution includes funduscope position control and rodent examination table options: Aligning the scope and the rodent eye is simple to learn with our tabletop solution. The exam table has been designed for easy removal from the scissor lift, making clean-up and animal transport much less of an issue. System includes integrated anesthesia gas delivery for mouse and rat.
- Versatile and customizable to acquire images and analyze pathology, phenotyping, and nearly any biomarker in eye research: Being able to interchange the light source, filters, and image sensors gives you the ability to build the system right for your research.
- Superior support in ophthalmic research; from custom engineering to in vivo training, we provide the tools and knowledge to help you make discoveries: We take pride that our customers consider us their friend and partner in research. With over 300 eye research institutes, universities, contract research organizations, and pharmaceutical companies as active customers, we are constantly innovating our technologies in the fight against blindness.

Ms. Scarlett O'Hara Hopped in for a Visit! These are the Lastest Images we Retrieved from Our Customizable iVivo® Small Animal Funduscope
Vanderbilt University Captured this Latest Fundus Image while Studying an Albino Rabbit with our Customizable iVivo® Small Animal Funduscope
Specifications and Options
The iVivo® Funduscope is a system to be custom built for each laboratories particular needs. Our system is designed to incorporate a variety of sensors, filters, and even light sources to elucidate the details needed for excellent research and make discovery possible.